Jerry's Blogs

Monday, November 26, 2007

On Continued Postgresql Frustration

It's been a mix of failures and successes on getting Postgresql working on my Macs. For my Intel iMac, I got it working through 'fink' and had no problems with the ruby driver. I wrote down my experiences for future reference.

On my iBook, things were not as buttery. I already had Postgresql 8.1 installed via ports, but none of the headers were available for compiling the ruby drivers. To get that working, I had to install Xcode 3.0. Apparently, that didn't draw enough blood because when I tried compiling the driver, it gave me all kinds of endian-ness issues. What made it finally work was installing the rb-postgres package from ports. This is far from a clean setup though. I'm using the Apple bundled ruby and rails stacks found in /usr/bin, but at the same time I'm using the ports installed gems for postgres.

Next time that I need a working Postgresql solution on a Mac, I'll probably use a mac-ified package

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